NUK SignN Soother 18-36m Asst. 2pk
There are many exciting adventures for your little ones every day. In the course of these, a soother is a reliable friend who gives babies feelings of safety and security as well as being able to soothe them. Whether it is unfamiliar faces, sounds or surroundings that have unsettled your little one, familiar, instinctive sucking on the soother will quickly relax your baby again.
In order to optimise this feel-good factor further, NUK, inventors of the soother that is right for the jaw, have now made the original shape even better. It is modelled on a mother’s nipple as she breastfeeds, fitting optimally into the mouth when the baby sucks on it. The special thing about this soother: it is particularly thin and narrow to reduce the pressure on the teeth and jaws. The flat baglet and the smooth underside ensure a pleasant feeling in the mouth and give the tongue enough space for natural sucking movements. NUK Soothers are an optimal fit in children’s mouths and are therefore accepted by babies particularly quickly. This is the way they provide relaxation for both babies and their parents.